Analysis Of The Name Mallory

You can review the meaning, voting, origin and letter analysis of the name.

Mallory Name Meaning

Gender: Female
Mallory is both a girls name and a boys name. In French it means unlucky but in German it's a strategist or war counselor.

Voting For Mallory Name

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Origin Of The Name Mallory


Letter Analysis Of The Name

M: You love to work and your health is very good.

A: Reliable,free. Leader and pioneer. Is an ambitious person.

L: You are optimistic. Your energy is too high.

L: You are optimistic. Your energy is too high.

O: You are moral and helpful.

R: You are so strong. Your energy is high.

Y: Action and adventure are your everything. Curiosity is your weak point

Identification Results Of The Name

Popular Name 0 vote
Classical Name 0 vote
Modern Name 0 vote
Interesting Name 0 vote
Undiscovered Name 0 vote
Nice-Sounding Name 0 vote

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Mallory's Gender: Female. Mallory name meaning Mallory is both a girls name and a boys name. In French it means unlucky but in German it's a strategist or war counselor. Name origin :German.
Mallory is a beautiful girl name. Mothers and fathers can choose for their girls. The rating of the name can give you an idea. You can comment for the name. If you think there is an error about the name, please inform us. Thus, we can give more accurate results for you. Names, 'Popular name, classical name, modern name, interesting name, undiscovered name, the name that sounds nice ' you can evaluate in the category.